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就"携带凶器抢夺"而言,缺乏明确的法律界定。新刑法颁布后,很长一段时间内,对于什么是凶器,没有统一的司法解释,实践中很难把握。2000年11月17日, 最高人民法院发布了《关于审理抢劫案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《解释》)。该《解释》规定:刑法第二百六十七条第二款规定的"携带凶器抢夺",是指行为人随身携带枪支、爆炸物、管制刀具等国家禁止个人携带的器械进行抢夺或者为了实施犯罪而携带其他器械进行抢夺的行为。
但是否凡是携带"凶器"进行抢夺的都是抢劫呢? 笔者认为不能一概而论。在司法实践中,携带"凶器"抢夺有多种方式,现举以下几种方式进行分析:
由此《解释》不难看出,在抢劫犯罪过程中,行为人虽然持有枪支,但如果没有在犯罪过程中使用或者向被害人显示持有、佩带有枪支,其行为就不属于持枪抢劫。既然行为人在抢劫犯罪过程中持有最具威慑力的枪支,还必须具备一定的条件才能构成持枪抢劫,那为什么行为人在抢夺犯罪中却只问你有无"凶器",而不管你是否虮缓θ讼允灸兀空庀匀挥形侍狻?br> 在第三、第四种情况下,行为人在实施"抢夺"过程中,已经向被害人故意显露,或者因其"凶器"已在实施抢夺前使被害人看到,这样一来,虽然没有用言语进行威胁,但其身上所带的"凶器",对被害人来说,此情此景远比行为人用言语威胁更具有威慑力。正所谓"此时无声胜有声"。这是一种最直接的精神上的威胁,因而完全符合抢劫罪中"以暴力相威胁"的条件,可直接适用刑法第二百六十三条。
对第五种情况,则完全符合刑法第二百六十九条 " 犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪,为窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕或者毁灭罪证 而当场使用暴力或者以暴力相威胁的,依照本法第二百六十三条的规定定罪处罚"的规定。在这种情况下,刑法 二百六十七条第二款是对二百六十九条的重复。
在司法实践中,行为人"携带凶器"进行犯罪,不仅仅出现在抢劫、抢夺犯罪中,在其他犯罪中也很常见。如在盗窃犯罪中,有些罪犯怕被抓,往往在作案时携带或者到现场后先找"凶器",以作"防身"之用。如常见一些盗窃罪犯在夜间,携带"凶器"潜入他人 卧室,乘被害人熟睡进行盗窃;或者携带"凶器"入住旅馆,盗窃同室旅客。他们都携带有"凶器",如按制定抢夺罪第2款的立法意图,是否在盗窃罪条款中也增加一款"携带凶器盗窃的,依照本法第二百六十三条的规定定罪处罚"?


Interpretation of Circular No.698

Jian Sun


 In accordance with provisions of the new Law of Enterprise Income Tax (2008) and Implementing Regulations (2008), whether the income from equity investment asset transfer is derived from PRC shall be classified by the domicile of the invested enterprise, so as to decide whether should pay the income tax in PRC jurisdiction. Whereas, the State Administration of Taxation of PRC (SAT) has not clearly addressed the condition that whether the income from foreign enterprises’ transfer of Chinese domestic enterprises shares they indirectly held by the transfer of offshore holding companies falls into Chinese jurisdiction or should pay income tax in PRC.

The promulgation of Circular No.698 Guoshuihan 2009

 On December 10, 2009, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) promulgated the Circular on Regarding Strengthening the Administration of Income Tax of Sale of Shares by Non-Resident Enterprises, (Guoshuihan [2009] 698) .

 Provisions in Circular No.698 clearly addresses that prevent the foreign enterprises from evading income tax obligation by indirect transfer of shares of Chinese resident enterprises through arrangements like abusing the corporate governance.

 In accordance with the provisions in Circular No.698, foreign investor whose indirect transfer of Chinese residence enterprises falling into the following two catalogues:

(1) The real tax burden rate of the jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated is less than 12.5%; or

(2) The jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated does not acquire income tax from foreign-sourced income.

 shall submit the relevant documents as below to the local taxation bureau where the Chinese domestic enterprises being transferred located within 30 days after the execution of Share Transfer Agreement to prove the aforesaid indirect share transfer is for reasonable commercial purpose.

(1) Share Transfer Contract or Agreement.

(2) The relationship between Foreign Investors and Offshore Holding Companies transferred by Foreign Investors regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc;

(3) The situation of the operation, personnel, finance, property of the offshore holding companies transferred by foreign investors;

(4) The relationship of the offshore holding companies transferred by foreign investors and Chinese domestic enterprises regarding finance, operation, purchase and sale, etc.

(5) The Explanations of reasonable commercial objectives of establishment of offshore holding companies by foreign investors.

(6)Other relevant documents required by Taxation Authorities.

 Where administrating tax authorities, upon review and examination of the documents submitted by foreign investors, deem such offshore holding company to be a vehicle incorporated for the purpose of tax evasion, it has the power to re-classify the share transfer transaction in according to the nature of economies, deny the existence of offshore holding company and impose 10% income tax to the transfer of shares after the examination by the State Administration of Taxation.

 In the second place, when non-resident enterprises transfer Chinese resident enterprises to affiliated parties in the unfair price compared to the fair and independent transaction to reduce the taxable income, tax authorities have the power to adjust the income by proper methods.

 In the third place, provisions contained in Circular 698, share transfer income refers to difference between share transfer price and share cost. Share transfer price includes all sum received by share transfer assignors. In the event of invested enterprises have non-allocated profit or various funds after tax profit drawing, the invested enterprises shall not deduct aforesaid income sum from share transfer price. Cost of shares refers to real contribution sum paid by share transfer assignor to Chinese domestic company, or transfer sum paid to original assignors in the time when assignors purchased these shares.

Influence to the Oversea IPO’s and M&A

 As the Circular 698 enforced from January 1, 2008, non-resident enterprises shall review the transfer situation of Chinese domestic enterprises to decide the next step whether to calculate and submit the Enterprise Income Tax (direct transfer) or to submit the relevant document to Local Tax Authorities in the place where Chinese domestic enterprises located (indirect transfer).

国税函 2009(698)号解读
Interpretation of Circular No.698
